we’re all existential crisis-havers here.
who is ‘we’?
That would be you and me: Caitlin Evans, a trainee therapist, writer and procrastinator perfectionist.
I ask the big questions here, like: what is it all for? And I give the big answers too, like: I really don’t know.
In such times as these, fuelled by consumerism and the cult of busy, it’s hard to pull away from the scripts that society gives us and seek our own path.
I hope for this to be a still, mindful corner of the internet for you and me, where we can work out what the hell we want to do with the time given to us.
Here, I share everything I’ve learned - and, crucially, am still learning - about mental health, stillness and embracing the unknowable.
Subscribe to such times as these
trainee therapist. writer. existential crisis-haver.